About the company
The shopping and entertaining complex "Gorizont" is a super regional family shopping and complex, where there are more than 350 shops, in which famous world and Russian of premium, middle-up, middle and mass-market segments are represented.
The shopping and entertaining complex "Gorizont" is a pioneer in its branch, combining the and brands oriented towards customers of all the ages with the different level of power in one project.

"Gorizont" is constantly developing together with its customer, using the synergy effect skillfully. Customers who come for the first time being kids and teens, remain the clients of the shopping and entertaining complex and later on, as maturity and social growth develop, meeting all the demands in shopping, service and entertainment sector.

The shopping and entertaining complex "Gorizont" plays an indicative part for the economy of the city, bringing forward new projects and formats. Brands often choose Gorizont as a platform for opening such first regional projects as, for example, H&M, Uniqlo, Starbucks, Jo Malone, Kiko, and even the first projects in Russia, such as Polo Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger Kids. Gorizont acts as a connecting link between foreign brands, aiming for the Russian market and local entrepreneurs. The shopping and entertaining complex takes an active part in the negotiations, providing acceptable locations and financial terms, supporting the franchising institute (MAX&Co, Marella, Trussardi Jeans and many others).

The true family conception of the shopping complex includes a cinema complex, an all season water park, a karaoke club, a city of professions "Kidburg" for kids with the edutainment area, cafes and restaurants, beauty shops and a fitness centre with the swimming pool, pharmacies, a tailor shop, departments of banks, a car washing facility, recreation zones are fitted.

The ideology of Gorizont increases the culture of consumption in the region on the whole, and the steady interest from the side of customers of all the ages and social groups makes it an active venue for holding charitable and educational events.

a:3:{s:5:"title";s:8:"Location";s:4:"text";s:267:"The shopping and entertaining complex "Gorizont" is located in Nagibina Avenue, a five-minute drive from the historical, business and cultural centre of the city on the way to large housing estates, where more than one third of the population in Rostov-on-Don live.";s:3:"svg";s:503:"<svg data-name="Слой 1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 22.12 28.13"><path d="M11.06 28.12a.88.88 0 0 1-.63-.25C10 27.43 0 16.99 0 11.08a11.06 11.06 0 1 1 22.12 0c0 5.89-10 16.33-10.43 16.79a.88.88 0 0 1-.63.25zm0-26.37a9.32 9.32 0 0 0-9.31 9.31c0 4 6.22 11.58 9.31 14.91 3.09-3.34 9.31-10.89 9.31-14.91a9.32 9.32 0 0 0-9.31-9.31z" fill="#ce5e90"/><path d="M11.06 13.45a2.4 2.4 0 1 1 2.4-2.4 2.4 2.4 0 0 1-2.4 2.4zm0-3a.65.65 0 1 0 . 0 0 0-.65-.69z" fill="#ce5e90"/></svg>";}
a:3:{s:5:"title";s:7:"Traffic";s:4:"text";s:292:"More than two million of people are a prospective audience of "Gorizont". These are residents of Rostov-on-Don and towns, located in close vicinity – Bataysk, Aksaj, Taganrog, Novocherkassk, Azov, Shakhty. The average monthly attendance of the complex is more than one million of people.";s:3:"svg";s:522:"<svg data-name="Слой 1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 126.96 235.11"><g fill="#853c8a"><path d="M120.64 0H6.35A6.32 6.32 0 0 0 .03 6.32v194.52a6.18 6.18 0 0 0 .72 2.79 6.28 6.28 0 0 0 4.15 5.51l72.45 25.61a6.36 6.36 0 0 0 2.1.36 6.33 6.33 0 0 0 6.32-6.32v-21.63h34.85a6.32 6.32 0 0 0 6.32-6.32V6.32a6.32 6.32 0 0 0-6.3-6.32zM73.16 219.86l-59.88-21.15V17.6l59.88 21.15v181.11zm41.19-25.34H85.8V34.27a6.32 6.32 0 0 0-4.22-6L37.2 12.64h77.15v181.88z"/><circle cx="61.88" cy="125.65" r="6.93"/></g></svg>";}
a:3:{s:5:"title";s:18:"Commercial indices";s:4:"text";s:221:"The Global Building Area of the complex (GBA) is 184 878 square meters, the Global Leasing Area (GLA) is 133 948 square meters, the general amount of parking spaces is 2954, among them 754 spaces are a covered car park.";s:3:"svg";s:1142:"<svg data-name="Слой 1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 163.8 173.71"><path d="M163.8 88.28c0-8.44-4.69-16.51-13.23-23.25 8.37-6.59 13.23-14.5 13.23-23.11 0-23.51-36-41.93-81.9-41.93S0 18.41 0 41.92c0 8.61 4.86 16.52 13.23 23.11C4.68 71.77 0 79.82 0 88.27c0 7.85 3.94 15.31 11.35 21.74C3.97 116.43 0 123.94 0 131.77c0 8.61 4.67 16.75 13.52 23.56 14.93 11.5 40.49 18.36 68.37 18.36 28.59 0 54.48-7.14 69.28-19.09 8.26-6.65 12.61-14.55 12.61-22.84 0-7.84-4-15.37-11.43-21.8 7.42-6.4 11.45-13.85 11.45-21.68zM81.9 12.64c40.82 0 69.26 15.43 69.26 29.29S122.72 71.21 81.9 71.21 12.64 55.78 12.64 41.92 41.08 12.63 81.9 12.63zM24.89 72.21c14.64 7.21 34.62 11.61 57 11.61s42.38-4.4 57-11.62c4.92 3.07 12.24 8.83 12.24 16 0 5.47-4.3 10.1-7.91 13-12.44 10-35.95 16.28-61.35 16.28-24.81 0-48.06-6-60.67-15.74-3.92-3-8.6-7.83-8.6-13.55.03-5.37 4.4-10.98 12.29-15.98zm118.36 72.55c-12.44 10-35.95 16.28-61.35 16.28-24.81 0-48.06-6-60.67-15.74-3.92-3-8.6-7.82-8.6-13.55 0-4.86 3.46-9.87 9.78-14.39 15.18 8.12 36.5 12.85 59.49 12.85s44.33-4.72 59.48-12.81c4.58 3.28 9.78 8.32 9.78 14.39 0 5.47-4.3 10.09-7.91 13z" fill="#f1ca31"/></svg>";}